Wednesday, August 27, 2008

am i cross eyed?

i changed my profile pic. and in the small print of it, i look like im cross-eyed.lool. folks i swear im least i think im not. and dont let the pic fool you, im really gorgeous. people swear im halle berry all the time....cant you see the resemblance?

btw, we do have water now. so you can stop losing sleep over my lack of bathing and toileting.


  1. uve never looked cross eyed to me lol. ur a gorgeous pretty cutie

  2. looool ur just saying that cause u love me!!!

    dont you?

  3. I probably wouldn't have even thought about you looking cross-eyed if ya hadn't said it! You're too funny!

    Glad you have water again. I can't imagine how that was, but I'm glad you were able to survive. I'd probably be at a hotel.

  4. admitt ittttt. i DO look cross eyed in that pic lol

    gf, believe me i DID think about goint to a hotel.

    then when was it? 2 weeks ago? the air conditioning was out for like 3 days......inshallah ill never go to hell cause i couldnt even take the heat here on earth.
